International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science
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2023, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

An overview of Phytochemicals seen in plant sources

Author(s): Dr. Santosh Reddy, Dr. Monimala Pramanick, Dr. Suraj Singh and Dr. Poorav Desai

Through this research work overview, the basic concept of Phytoconstituetnts, which are commonly seen in the plant, sources with association of other compounds and its derivatives. These bioactive compounds are found in a whole plants, leaves, flowers, vegetables, juices (Extract) with propagation of pharmacological action towards any pathological conditions. These compounds are divided into two main categories like Primary metabolites and secondary metabolites.
Primary metabolites are necessary for the growth and development for the plant body like a process of photosynthesis i.e.; amino acids, organic acids, all vitamins.
Whereas these secondary metabolites plays major roles in pharmacological action in living entity. They are usually end product of primary metabolites i.e.; phenolic, steroids, antibiotics etc. there are some other compounds in association with these basic constituents as Cellulose, starch, fructose, carbohydrates, terpenoids, flavonoids, Atropine, aromatic compounds etc.
All these compounds were identified by various pharmaceutical methods as spectrophotometric analysis, chromatographic analysis, nanoparticles etc. These bioactive compounds were explained by various theories like genomics, proteomics and metabolic engineering for showing their specific mode of action.

DOI: 10.33545/27072827.2023.v4.i1a.76

Pages: 55-59 | Views: 386 | Downloads: 192

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How to cite this article:
Dr. Santosh Reddy, Dr. Monimala Pramanick, Dr. Suraj Singh, Dr. Poorav Desai. An overview of Phytochemicals seen in plant sources. Int J Pharmacognosy Life Sci 2023;4(1):55-59. DOI: 10.33545/27072827.2023.v4.i1a.76
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science
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