International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science
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2023, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A

Potential role and assessment of medicinal properties of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

Author(s): Ritika Panwar, Anchal Raj, Suchitra Thapa, Amisha Solanki, Surbhi Mandola and Naveen Gaurav

Abstract: The Indian subcontinent is home to the herbaceous plant giloy. The researchers have investigated a variety of medicinal uses for it over time. It is a huge remedial plant. Giloy is a climbing shrub that can be found growing on other trees. It is a member of the Menispermaceae botanical family. (Danahy, 2021) India has a wide variety of wild plant species, many of which have been used as medicines since antiquity. These plants can be used to make a wide variety of natural products and medicines. In addition, these medications are distinguished from other allopathic products by the fact that they are nontoxic and have fewer side effects. Natural products are also in high demand as public awareness grows each day. One of the useful medicinal plants is Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), which can be consumed either immediately. Theory after it has been prepared. It is used to treat a variety of illnesses, including chronic fever, dengue fever (by increasing platelet count), allergic rhinitis, and virus infections. It also controls blood sugar levels, boosts immunity, improves digestion, reduces stress and anxiety, treats arthritis and gout, improves eye sight, and its properties aid in the regeneration of the skin and increase the level of collagen, among other things. It contains parts like alkaloids, polysaccharides, steroids and glycosides. Giloy can be consumed in a variety of ways, including directly chewing the stem and leaves or boiling them in water. We can also use the powder, and Giloy juice and tea are also available on the market. Giloy is extremely beneficial to both humans and animals.

DOI: 10.33545/27072827.2023.v4.i2a.86

Pages: 12-20 | Views: 496 | Downloads: 293

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International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science
How to cite this article:
Ritika Panwar, Anchal Raj, Suchitra Thapa, Amisha Solanki, Surbhi Mandola, Naveen Gaurav. Potential role and assessment of medicinal properties of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). Int J Pharmacognosy Life Sci 2023;4(2):12-20. DOI: 10.33545/27072827.2023.v4.i2a.86
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Life Science
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